Welcome to Sample

Experience the magic of transforming radio signals into live video feeds!

See It in Action

Key Features

Real-Time Location

Scan a QR code to instantly determine your location using advanced algorithms.

Radio Signal Analysis

Utilizes three radio transmitters and a receiver to analyze and convert signals.

Live Video Feed

Watch the transformation of radio waves into a seamless video frame in real-time.

Sample is a groundbreaking physics project that brings together innovative technology and scientific principles to provide a unique, interactive experience. Our goal is to showcase the potential of radio signal analysis and microcontroller programming in a fun and educational way.

More About Us

How does the QR code scanning work?

The QR code contains unique information about the participant's location. When scanned, the algorithm decodes this information and processes it to determine the exact location within the project's environment.

What technology is used to analyze radio signals?

The project utilizes a combination of radio transmitters, a receiver, and a microcontroller. The signals emitted by the transmitters are captured by the receiver and processed by the microcontroller to generate the live video feed.

Party On

Experience the magic of transforming radio signals into live video feeds!